30 Days to Healthy Living

You know it’s time to clear your body of toxins when your kitchen has been clean for over a week now.  I’ve cleared my kitchen, cleared my head, now it’s time to clear my system.  I suppose its a result of the end of Summer, new beginnings with Fall approaching, back to school, or even the end of a great year coming to a close.

My husband and I started the 30 Day Challenge to Healthy Living with Arbonne. My best friend did this cleanse over the summer and I was so taken by how much she glowed.  Really glowing.  From her skin to her smile, to her everyday personality, she glowed.  (I also want to note, this is not a paid endorsement, other than the fact that my husband paid for the product!) I wanted that same feeling.  Most of all I wanted it for my family.

So the two of us, my husband and I, started on our Detox, our cleanse, our move to healthy living.  Right now you’re asking me, “but you eat so healthy, how is this different?”  It’s different in the sense that I’m not going to drink any alcohol for 30 days.  That’s the honest truth.  I’m using this cleanse as a vehicle to clear up my insatiable need to have that glass of wine or margarita every night. That’s not how I wanted to define myself.

With Day 1 behind me I start Day 2 with a heavy sigh, knowing I have 29 more days to go.