All it Takes is A Clear Head

It’s been a long month.  Longer than expected, and yet, felt like a sprint.  How did it become November?  October was a month filled with busy work, job hunting, and soul searching.

The 22yo left on the first, that seems like eternity.  We haven’t talked much, just enough to keep a conversation going.  I launched our website for my husband and his partners new business.  What an experience, teaching myself Google Ad Words, Google Search, Facebook Ads, Photoshop, and so much more.  Every day has been a lesson, literally, and figuratively.

How fortunate I am to have a tolerant husband. I spend 12 hours a day on the computer, learning, re-learning, researching, trying to do too much at one time. Not appearing organized at all, and yet, feeling quite satisfied with my daily “busy work”.

Focus takes a clear head.  And at the same time, when you’re filling your day with busy work, it seems impossible.  I’m a list person.  I have papers all around me full of lists.  I’ll keep a list until everything on that list is completed. Needless to say, there are a lot of pieces of paper around me.  Keeping a list for the website, the building,  social media, and another for future needs after we open the new business sit by my side day in and day out.

Meditation is the second.  Nothing fancy.  Just 5 minutes sitting still, feeling every breath.  Letting each breath rush in and slowly release – calms me.  Calm.

Put these two together, mix in a little music, and I’ve got a clear head in which I can focus.  (Until of course the dogs need to go out).

A clear head comes in handy when you start to reflect on where you are going next with your career. I love to write.  I relish in a good day of being creative, or even planning on being creative. Hence, I’ll make a list.  I often think that list making actually calms me as much as the meditation.  Writing doesn’t become a process, but a means to the ends.  Satisfaction.  Delivered.  One thing is for certain, the next career move needs to satisfy my creative side.

Looking deep within my creative soul, I have so much I want to do, yet fail to start. Project after project begins and ends on a list.  Scattered about my desk. Is it time? Am I taking on too much at once? Do I not have the drive, the initiative, the “gumption” as my father would have called it? Or, am I simply, afraid to fail.

After all this writing of lists, blogs, social media posts, and content, the month of October brought me to my reality.  I can’t fail unless I start. It’s a new month.  It’s time to start.

What do you use to clear your head?  I’d love to know.